If only things could always go right in the garden. The fact of the matter is, sometimes they don't. Pests, disease, environmental hazards and more can strike your plants. Learn what they are and how to prevent them here.
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Editor's Picks
Flea Control For Gardens: Learn About Lawn And Garden Flea Control
Want to keep yourself and your pets safe from fleas in the garden? Click here to learn about garden flea control.
By Jackie Carroll
Learn The Basics About The Weed Seed Bank In The Soil
Why do weeds keep sprouting in your garden, no matter how many times you pull them? The culprit is something called the weed seed bank.
By Amy Grant
Killing Aphids Naturally: How To Get Rid Of Aphids Safely
Getting rid of aphids is no easy task. Click here to learn how to get rid of aphids naturally.
By Heather Rhoades
Getting Rid Of Stink Bugs - How To Kill Stink Bugs
Stink bugs are commonly found throughout the U.S. in gardens and occasionally the home. When stink bug control becomes necessary, use the steps in this article to get rid of them.
By Nikki Tilley
Conventional Weed Killers
Conventional, or chemical, weed killers should be used sparingly; however, when done correctly, this method of control can save endless hours spent in the lawn or garden. Find out more in this article.
By Nikki Tilley
These Weeds That Spread By Seed Can Sprout After Years
Find out about weeds with long lasting seeds that can sprout and spread years later here.
By Laura Miller
Goldenrod Gall Fly Causing Lumps On Plant Stems
Ball shaped growths on goldenrod mean it’s being visited by gall flies who encapsulate themselves on the plant. Click for more.
By Amy Grant
Goatscaping: A Green Way To Get Rid Of Weeds
If you've ever wondered if, and how, you can hire goats for grazing weed control, click here for everything you need to know.
By Amy Grant
Learn About Leaf Cutter Bees
Do you ever see half moon shaped notches that appear to have been cut out of the leaves on your rosebushes or shrubs? If so, your garden may have been visited by the leaf cutter bee. Learn more here.
By Stan V. Griep
Deer Fencing Designs - How To Build A Deer Proof Fence
Deer are elegant and graceful creatures but these attributes fall short when they have been in the garden eating your prize plants. If repellents aren't working, think about building a deer proof fence. This article will help.
By Bonnie L. Grant
Leaf Browning In Center: Why Leaves Turn Brown In Middle
You can tell a lot about your plant's health from its leaves. When plants develop brown leaves in the middle, problems are afoot. Learn more about the causes and treatment for browning leaves in this article.
By Kristi Waterworth
Uprooted Plant Damage: Dealing With Uprooted Plants
Uprooted garden plants are a very common gardening problem, especially in areas prone to high winds. Keep reading this article for information on what to do about plant roots coming out of the ground.
By Kristi Waterworth
Carpenter Bee Control: How To Prevent Carpenter Bee Damage
Carpenter bees pose little threat to people, but they can cause serious damage to exposed wood. Read this article to find out how to get rid of carpenter bees. Click here for more information.
By Jackie Carroll
Uses For Diatomaceous Earth - Diatomaceous Earth For Insect Control
Have you ever heard of diatomaceous earth? If not, this article will provide information and tips on using diatomaceous earth in the garden so you can take advantage of all its benefits.
By Stan V. Griep
Pin Nematode Treatment: How To Stop Pin Nematodes
Troublesome pests like pin nematodes may be difficult to detect without prior suspicion of their presence. Awareness of pin nematode symptoms may help in determining whether or not this may be an issue in the home garden. Learn more about the pests in this article.
By Tonya Barnett
Pink Rust Mite Damage – Learn How To Kill Pink Citrus Rust Mites
Although pink citrus rust mite pests may be a pretty color, there is nothing cute about these destructive insects. Anyone growing citrus in a home orchard should be able to recognize pink citrus mite damage. If you need more information, this article will help.
By Teo Spengler
Learn About Plant Rust Disease And Rust Treatment
Plant rust is a general term that refers to a rather large family of fungi that attack plants. Rust fungi are easy to identify on the plant and quite treatable using the tips provided in this article.
By Heather Rhoades